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On a daily basis, there are several occasions where timely intervention and first aid can save lives. At such moments, basic life support (BLS) is the first, vital tool to come in handy. In an important initiative, Columbia Asia Hospital is focusing on training school children in BLS to make them future ready.

Under the initiative, the leading specialized healthcare provider, trained the students of DAV Public School, Patiala, in various aspects of BLS, such as when and how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Around 100 students, other than the school faculty and staff, attended the training session, where children themselves got to enact the procedures.

“The initiative is directed towards making the future ready. Through these initiatives we are capturing the important elements of being alert of Danger, enabling Response, seeking Help, observing signs, and acting appropriately. We have noticed that when we have the attention of children, we are also able to grab the attention of parents and adults more effectively, thereby educating a larger population. BLS training is effective in tackling situations of choking, drowning, suffering a heart attack or cardiac arrest, and many more situations. The best part is that from a teenager to adult, anyone can perform it,”said Ms. Nidhi James, Clinical Educator Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala.

CPR has an important role in BLS training. Conducting the basic life support procedure called CPR can not only prevent extreme damage to the mind and body but also can save the person’s life.

CPR is administered in the case of unexpected cardiac arrest when the heart does not beat strongly enough to pump blood in the body, depriving the brain of blood flow. It’s a vital process to get the heart beating again so that it continues to pump blood and feed the brain with oxygen and prevent a stroke.

The role of psychosocial work stress as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases has been the subject of considerable debate. Many researchers have presented theories in support of a connection between the two and suggested that job strain and long working hours are associated with an elevated risk of incident coronary heart disease and stroke. The risk for individuals working in stressed environments is up to 40% higher than those free of stress. With sedentary lifestyle, especially for urban corporate cases, in addition to the unhealthy dietary practices, lakhs of people are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, with heart attacks is one of the major causes of fatalities in the country. Differences between men and women, younger versus older employees and workers from different socioeconomic backgrounds appear to be small, indicating that the association is robust.

There is no guarantee or time limit say 10 minutes or 20 minutes for which one needs to conduct CPR. As per current guidelines, CPR should be conducted till the body temperature drops below 95°F. One should know that till the body is warm, a patient may not be dead.

How to identify heart attack?

It is of course important to identify heart attack. A patient suffering from heart attack will suffer from persistent pain for 15 to 20 minutes around the chest that refuses to go away. Other symptoms include profuse sweating for no reason, discomfort, feeling of heavy pressure or heavy weight being kept on the chest, squeezing or wringing sensation, pain that extends to the neck, jaw, back, abdomen, arms, and shoulder, nausea, breathlessness, and numbness in arms.

Act fast with first aid

The following first aid measures should be taken for a patient suffering a heart attack:

1. Have the person sit down, rest, and try to keep calm.

2. Loosen any tight clothing the patient is wearing.

3. Ask if the person takes any chest pain medication for a known heart condition, such as nitroglycerin, and help them take it before calling for an ambulance.

4. If the pain does not go away promptly with rest or with 3 doses of nitroglycerine administered 5 minutes apart, or if the person is unconscious and unresponsive, call for emergency medical help or the ambulance.

5. Administer CPR only if you are trained in the technique.

Things to avoid

The following should be avoided at all cost.

1. Don't leave the person alone except to call for help, if necessary

2. Don't allow the person to deny the symptoms and convince you not to call for emergency help.

3. Don't wait for the symptoms to go away.

How to conduct a CPR?

Once a person is identified as suffering from heart attack, CPR can be conducted as follows. Check the victim for unresponsiveness. You need to check the responsiveness of the patient by checking whether the person is conscious or unconscious. If the person is unconscious, CPR should be conducted.

Compressions torestore blood circulation. The person should be put on the back on a firm surface. After kneeling next to the person's neck and shoulders, one needs to place the heel of one hand on person's chest at the center. The second hand should be placed on the on top of the first hand. The elbows should be kept straight and adapt to a posture where your shoulders are directly above your hands. By using your upper body weight one needs to compress the chest at least 2 inches or 5 centimeters with a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

CPR is one of the most commonly taught practices falling under basic life support. With some training, a common man can be in a position to manage an emergency health situation, while the patient receives due proper medical care. This is also important for healthcare professionals to not give-up after some effort and to persist till the time temperature drops below 95°F. After all, by not giving up, a life may get saved.



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